2018년 1월 28일 일요일

[昭和Edit] - Mads on Yukata

aesthetic as fucc

 While wasting my time binging on fb, I discovered some aesthetic photos of Mads MIkkelson wearing a yukata, and on my first sight it really looked like a great Showa period single cover, so I decided to make a 'Showa Edit' on Mads.

  First I tried to think of a nice A-side, B-side title, ended up with A-side  "謎のキラー"(Nazo no Kira ; Mysterious Killer) and B-side "君を街角で殺したい" (Kimi wo Machikadode Koroshitai ; I Want to Kill You at the Street Corner). Obsessed with murder, huh? Whatever, I started to write the A-side kanas. 

 So how I work on calligraphies is simple: Write it on a paper, scan it with a scanner or a phone ( the mobile scanning apps are powerful than I thought ), and then chop them up into single words ( kanas or kanjis ). I somehow started to manage my own digital calligraphy library starting from about 2 months ago, and I guess I started it in order to make digital work easier. 

 I erased the white umbrella that Mads is hiding as it overlapped with the letter "キ" and "ラ". Then added some label logo, this time I chose Polydor. Still looks good, but 

  I used a simple line to emphasize the cover horizontally, as the original picture seems to have a bunch of horizontal points ( the frame in the background, Mads' pose , the table ). And put his name in Japanese under the line. Hmm.. seems good but Oh! now we can add some details.


 Putting in the B-side title upper right to the A-side title, and a random label number as if it was a real 7" single. I tried to find a '45rpm' or 'stereo' logo but I guess I need to make them as Google doesn't give me any results.

 The original pic was in a good shape so that I didn't need to make the pic look older or faded through time. (I guess they took the pic with a film camera.)

2018년 1월 27일 토요일

[Alg] Hungerford Ch I.2 Exercises Solutions (Part 1)

Ch I.2 Homomorphisms and Subgroups

1. Homomorphisms

 For a given $f:G \rightarrow H$, assume $f$ a group homomorphism. By definition, $f(a)=f(ae_G)=f(a)f(e_G)$ and $f(a)=f(e_G a)=f(e_G)f(a)$ for both sides. Thus as $f(a)=f(a)f(e_G)=f(e_G)f(a)$, $f(e_G)$ and for any $a \in G$, $e_H=f(a)f(a)^{-1}$, $f(e_G)=e_H$. 
 Let $a$ be an arbitrary element $a \in G$. Then $e_H=f(e_G)=f(aa^{-1})=f(a)f(a^{-1})$ while also $e_H=f(a^{-1})f(a)$. As an inverse element is unique, $f(a^{-1})=f(a)^{-1}$.
 For the monoid counterexamples, consider multiplicative monoids $\mathbb{Z}_6$ and $\mathbb{Z}_3$. Define a map $f:\mathbb{Z_3}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z_6}$ by $f(\bar{0})=\bar{0}$, $f(\bar{1})=\bar{4}$ , and $f(\bar{2})=\bar{2}$. We can check that $f(\mathbb{Z}_3)=\{ \bar{0},\bar{2},\bar{4} \} $ is closed with an identity of $\bar{4}$. For all $n \in \mathbb{Z}_3$, $f(\bar{0}\bar{n})=f(\bar{0})=\bar{0}=\bar{0}f(\bar{n})=f(\bar{0})f(\bar{n})$. As $\bar{4}$ is an identity element for the image $f(\bar{n})=\bar{4}f(\bar{n})$, and $f(\bar{1}\bar{n})=f(\bar{n})$. Thus $f(\bar{1}\bar{n})=f(\bar{1})f(\bar{n})$. Moreover, $f(\bar{2}\bar{2})=f(\bar{1})=\bar{4}=\bar{2}\bar{2}=f(\bar{2})f(\bar{2})$. Therefore we've shown that $f$ is a multiplicative homomorphism while $f(\bar{1})=\bar{4}$ which show up to  be a counterexample.

2. Abelian Automorphism

 Consider $G$ an abelian group. As $G$ is abelian, $(ab)^{-1}=a^{-1}b^{-1}$. Then the map defined as $f:G \rightarrow G$ with $x \mapsto f(x)=x^{-1}$ is a homomorphism as $f(ab)=(ab)^{-1}=a^{-1}b^{-1}=f(a)f(b)$. Due to the uniqueness of inverse elements, the map $f$ is a bijection, thus $f$ is an automorphism.
 Conversely, assume $f$ an automorphism. As automorphisms are bijective endomorphisms, $(ab)^{-1}=f(ab)=f(a)f(b)=a^{-1}b^{-1}$ and this implies that $G$ is an abelian group.

3. Quaternion Group $Q_8$

 Let $Q_8$ with the matrix multiplication a group generated by $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0  \end{pmatrix}$ and $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & i \\ i & 0 \end{pmatrix}$. Denote $A=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0  \end{pmatrix}$ and $B=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & i \\ i & 0 \end{pmatrix}$. By simple multiplication, $A^2=-I_2$. Let $P=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ so that $B=iP$. Thus $B^2=-P^2=-I_2$, so $A^2=B^2=-I_2$. Moreover, $A^4=B^4=I_2$ followed with $A^3=-I_2A=-A$ and $B^3=-B=-I_2B=A^2B$. Through basic multiplication we can show that $PA=A^3P$, thus $BA=iPA=iA^3P=A^3iP=A^3B$. Thus any products in $Q_8$ could be expressed as $A^iB^j$ where $i,j$ are both positive integers, and using the fact that $B^3=-B=A^2B$ it could be expressed as $A^iB$. As $A$ has an order of 4, $Q_8$ can be expressed as $ Q_8 = \{ I_2, A , A^2, A^3, B, AB, A^2B, A^3B \}$. We can easily check that $Q_8$ is a group, and we've shown that it is non-abelian by expressing every product as $A^iB$. Thus $Q_8$ is an order 8 non-abelian subgroup generated by $A,B$.

2018년 1월 26일 금요일

[QFT] David Tong Ch1 Exercises Solutions (Part 1)

Ch1. Classical Field Theory

1. String as a set of harmonic oscillators

 1) Derive the Lagrangian.

  The partial derivatives of $y(x,t)$ are,

 $$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial t}= \sqrt{\frac{2}{a}} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \sin{\left( \frac{n\pi x}{a}\right)} \dot{q_n} \quad \text{,} \quad \frac{\partial y}{\partial x} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{a}} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(\frac{n \pi}{a}\right) \cos{\left( \frac{n\pi x}{a}\right)}q_n $$
 and inserting the derivatives into the given Lagrangian,

$$ \begin{split} L &= \int^{a}_{0} dx \left[ \frac{\sigma}{2} \left( \frac{\partial y}{\partial t} \right)^2 - \frac{T}{2} \left(\frac{\partial y}{\partial x} \right)^2 \right] \\ &= \int^{a}_{0} dx \left[ \frac{\sigma}{a} \left( \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \sin{\left( \frac{n\pi x}{a}\right)} \dot{q_n} \right)^2 - \frac{T}{a} \left(\frac{n\pi}{a}\right)^2 \left( \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \cos{\left( \frac{n\pi x}{a}\right)} q_n \right)^2\right] \\ &= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left[ \frac{\sigma}{2} \dot{q_n}^2 - \frac{T}{2} \left( \frac{n \pi}{a} \right)^2 q_{n}^{2}\right] \end{split} $$
 Thus the Lagrangian shows up to be

$$ L=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left[ \frac{\sigma}{2} \dot{q_n}^2 - \frac{T}{2} \left( \frac{n \pi}{a} \right)^2 q_{n}^{2}\right] $$

 2) Derive the equations of motion. 

 The partial derivatives of the Lagrangian are,

$$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial q_n}= -T  \left( \frac{n \pi}{a} \right)^2 q_n \quad \text{,} \quad \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_n}}=\sigma \dot{q_n}$$
 and inserting the results into the Euler-Lagrange equation,

$$ \ddot{q_n} = \frac{T}{\sigma} \left( \frac{n \pi}{a} \right)^2 q_n  $$
 and solving this differential equation, it yields an infinite set of decoupled harmonic oscillators with frequencies of

$$\omega_{n} = \sqrt{\frac{T}{\sigma}} \left( \frac{n \pi}{a}\right)$$

2. Lorentz invariance and KG eq.

Under a Lorentz transformation $x^{\mu} \rightarrow \Lambda^{\mu}_{\nu} x^{\nu}$, $\phi(x)$ transforms as $\phi(x) \rightarrow \phi(\Lambda^{-1}x)$. Thus the term $\eta_{\mu\nu} \partial^{\mu}  \partial^{\nu} \phi(x)$ transforms as, 

$$\begin{split} \eta_{\mu\nu} \partial^{\mu} \partial^{\nu} \phi(x) \rightarrow \eta_{\mu\nu} \partial^{\mu} \partial^{\nu} \phi(\lambda^{-1}x) &= \eta_{\mu\nu} \left(\Lambda^{-1} \right)^{\mu}_{\alpha} \left(\Lambda^{-1} \right)^{\nu}_{\beta} \partial^{\alpha} \partial^{\beta} \phi(y) \\ &= \eta_{\alpha\beta}\partial^{\alpha} \partial^{\beta} \phi(y) \end{split} $$

Which shows that the term $\partial_{\mu}\partial^{\mu}\phi=\eta_{\mu\nu} \partial^{\mu} \partial^{\nu} \phi$ is invariant under $x^{\mu} \rightarrow \Lambda^{\mu}_{\nu} x^{\nu}$. Thus the Klein-Gordon equation $\partial_{\mu}\partial^{\mu}\phi+m^2\phi=0$ is invariant under any Lorentz transformation $\Lambda$. 

3. Complex Scalar Fields

 1)  Write down the Euler-Lagrangian field equations. 

  The E-L field equation with respect to $\psi^*$ is,

$$\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \psi^*}  = -m^2 \psi - \lambda \psi^2 \psi^* \quad \text{,} \quad \partial_\mu \left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \partial_{\mu}\psi^*)} \right) = \partial_{\mu} \partial^{\mu} \psi$$
$$\partial _{\mu} \partial ^{\mu} \psi + m^2 \psi + \lambda |\psi|^2 \psi = 0$$
and with respect to $\psi$, 

$$\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \psi} = -m^2 \psi^* - \lambda \psi (\psi^*)^2 \quad \text{,} \quad \partial_\mu \left( \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \partial_{\mu}\psi)}\right) = \partial_{\mu} \partial^{\mu} \psi^*$$
$$\partial _{\mu} \partial ^{\mu} \psi ^ * + m^2 \psi ^* + \lambda |\psi|^2 \psi^*= 0$$
which are complex conjugates to each other.

 2) Verify that the Lagrangian is invariant under such infinitesimal transformation.

  Under the infinitesimal transformation,

$$\delta \psi = i \alpha \psi \quad \text{,} \quad \delta\psi^{*} = -i\alpha \psi^{*}$$
 the Lagrangian transforms as, 

 $$\delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu\delta \psi^* \partial^\mu \psi + \partial_\mu \psi^* \partial^\mu \delta \psi - m^2 (\delta \psi^* \psi + \psi^* \delta \psi ) - \lambda ( \psi^* |\psi| \delta \psi + \psi |\psi| \delta \psi^*)$$

As $\delta \psi = i\alpha \psi$ and $\delta \psi^* = (\delta \psi )^*$,  \delta \mathcal{L} shows up to be 0. Thus $\delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu(0) = 0$, which makes the Lagrangian invariant under such infinitesimal transformation. 

2018년 1월 25일 목요일

Olympus Pen EE-S

  I've bought my first film camera at from a vintage camera shop named "第一写真店"( Dai Ichi Shashinten ) in Kyoto with a friendly owner running this shop, the Olympus Pen EE-S model from the '60s. As this model only supports ISO up to 200, I tried to practice my daylight shots with this model. It's also a half-frame model, so I was able to use two times more of the original amount of one roll. 

me and Yoshinobu holding Pen EES and EE-2

  The store was small but filled with a great selection of vintage cameras. The shop owner, Yoshinobu is a really good guy, offered us with great service. He also gave me the original leather strap, case, one roll of a film, and a lens cap from the '60s. The camera itself and its accessories were in a really good condition, plus the price was very reasonable. I've embedded the location of this store, if you have an opportunity to visit Kyoto and are interested in vintage cameras, I highly recommend this place.

Great 7" vinyls I've dug at Japan

I don't want to think about the money I've spent on this :)

 So, I always think about how great Japan is when it comes to collectables and vintage stuff. Especially for vinyl, they have a great variety of rare grooves plus condition. Compared to Korea, vinyl shops are more common and some shops are even specialized to a certain genre. I've visited about 10 vinyl stores, 4 in Fukuoka, 2 in Kyoto, and another 2 in Tokyo. I'll make another post about these stores and their locations.

 Anyways, here are the five best 7" singles I've 'excavated' at Japan.
 ( Format : Artist - A side / B side ; [ Label : Label No. , Date ] )

 1. ヒデとロザンナ-粋なうわさ/あいのひととき [ Columbia P-58 , May 1968 ]
   ( Hide and Rosanna - A Pretty Humor / Between Waves )

  This second single album released by Hide and Rosanna, a lovely Italian-Japanese couple, has a beautiful Showa-style bossa nova tune in its B side. Its dreamy melody, beautiful lyrics with their well-known harmony, made me fall in love with this single at first hearing. Just like its title, which translates into "The Moments of Love", listening to the B side just feels like falling in love.

 2. 森山良子-小さな貝がら/雨上がりのサンバ [ Philips FS-1043 , 1968 ]
   ( Moriyama Ryoko -  Chisana Kaigara / Ameagari no Samba )

 Bossa nova didn't just hit Europe and America starting from the early '60s, but it also hit Japan from the very start of it. Moriyama Ryoko, the 'Queen of College Folk', got with this flow too. The B side of this single "Ameagari no Samba", which translates into "Samba After the Rain", is one of the well known Japanese bossa nova titles.

 3. 坂本九-上を向いて歩こう/あのこの名前はなんてんかな [ Toshiba JP-5083 , 1961 ]
   ( Sakamoto Kyu - Ue wo muite arukou / Ano ko no namaewa nantenkana )

 More known as the title "Sukiyaki", which is actually not even relevant to any of the context of the song, the A side of this single was a total hit in '63 in the States. A Japanese song that topped the Billboard in '63, which was a totally unprecedented situation, actually has its own story related to the lyricist of this song. I was having a hard time trying to find this original single but thanks to a vinyl store at Kyoto I was lucky enough to find this.

 4. 小林啓子 - 比叡おろし/恋人中心世界 [ King BS-1216 , May 1970 ]
    ( Kobayashi Keiko - Hiei Oroshi / Koibito Chusin Sekai )

  I've actually heard the B side "Koibito Chusin Sekai", in English "Lover Centered World", performed by the 'Stage 101' first, but after research, this version by Keiko came first and later as she became a regular cast at the 'Stage 101', an NHK music program which was popular at the '70s, they made another version of it. Another bossa nova inspired style groove.

 5. 久美かおり-くちづけが怖い/夜明けの海 [ Columbia P-22 , 15 Jun 1968 ]
   ( Kumi Kaori - A Date Without a Kiss / On the Sands at Daybreak )

  Visiting Tokyo for the first time 2 years ago, I've tried to find this debut single of Kaori, well known for her later single "髪が揺れている/小さな鳩"(Kami ga Yureteiru/Chisana Hato), but failed to do so and ended up buying a compilation 7" which was mixed with her later singles. It was like about 5 years ago I first heard the B side "夜明けの海", when a Japanese YouTuber sent me a CD filled with Showa pops right after his copyright strike, which is still my favourite CD compilation :) 

Had a great week in Japan


 From 18 Jan to 24 Jan, I had a week-long trip to Japan starting from Fukuoka and ending up at Tokyo, while staying at Kyoto for 2 days. ( Fukuoka - Kyoto - Tokyo ) I needed some rest 'cause I was kind of burnt out last semester, so I decided to go on this trip and also thought it would be a great chance to dig some grooves. While unpacking my stuff last night I realized that I bought about 35 7" single disks ( mainly Showa pops ) and 3 12" LPs. And now I am poor asf, lmao. I surely had a super great time, I met lots of friendly people and friends all over Fukuoka, Kyoto and Tokyo, and as it was a trip on my own, I had a lot of time to think about my life and myself. Anyways, I had a really relaxing time and I am so satisfied with this trip I had.  

2018년 1월 14일 일요일

Fire Emblem looks good

  Never played the series before but seems so interesting. I'm going to Japan soon, gonna buy the Nintendo Switch console and buy some retro cartridges (including the '90 Fire Emblem title) at Akihabara. Anyways, I got interested in the series just because Azura's song (ひとり思う) was so good at first hearing. Looking forward to my trip!

  Listening to this all day long, such a beautiful song with calming lyrics....

2018년 1월 13일 토요일

Holy shit yellow sale is soon.


 for ironic reasons I uploaded this meme right after posting gen.lib.rus.ec as the representing site for my meme page

When my friends say absolute shit


    btw akane-chan is kawaii

Time surely changed me a lot

 It's like about 18 months past from my last post from 2016, I hadn't enough time to write shit here. Now I'm a junior student, not only getting a Physics bachelor degree but I am also aiming to get another Mathematics degree starting from this semester. I've just started studying Topology and Algebra. Looking back at my Mathematical Physics posts, they seem like 'normie posts', but I understand it because I wasn't too concerned about mathematical rigorousness that time.  Oh, and I got a 4.5/4.5 GPA last semester, which was tough asf as I had Quantum Mechanics II, Classical Mechanics II, Electromagnetics I, Particle Physics, and Thermal Physics I, but well at least I got good grades :) Recently I realize that GPA doesn't really mean a thing, if you're sincere about your academic career good grades will follow you.  And I also own a meme page in fb now, (facebook.com/gradtexmeme/).

 I am planning to spend this vacation with preparing my Mathematics degree, as I'm a newbie on that field, surely preparation is needed imo. While reviewing some Physics and doing some lab coursework, I'll study General Topology and Algebra with Munkres and Hungerford respectively. Well, some friends of mine consistently allured me to this path but I don't blame them, rather I feel enlightened. And as I am a person living in this century, where ML and DL is not an option but a common sense (also quoting another friend of mine), I am also licking some ML with the Stanford CS229 course.




good grief and alas

please love me